SASKATOON - Some residents on 37th Street West say they were caught by surprise when they noticed a snow clearing sign by their homes this week.

The post comes from the City of Saskatoon, informing residents snow clearing is scheduled for Wednesday night. But one look at the forecast and melting street will tell you Saskatoon is well above freezing temperatures.

READ MORE: Crews busy tackling icy Saskatoon roads

Ken Sachs lives on the street and said he doesn't understand why the city doesn't use the resources elsewhere.

"I saw all these signs that have snow removal posted. And I laughed and I said to my friend, snow removal ... where's the snow?" he said.

He has called the city to voice his concerns, especially with the warm days ahead.

"Well frankly my concern is taxes, the cost to the city, running equipment and the labour. There's lots of side streets that probably need this help rather than our street which is virtually bare," he added.

In an email, the city responded, stating with even milder weather on the way, it's wrapping up its priority street snow removal program Wednesday. Clearing the little snow that remains will decrease moisture, which will prevent flooding and help reduce potholes.

Sachs says he's still not satisfied with the answer.

"Best I can do is smile. I mean, flooding ... we have lots of drainage on this street. I just don't see it," he said.

The city says it's trying to be prepared if another late snow storm makes its way this year. The snow clearing will also help with icy sidewalks as well as street parking.