CALGARY - RCMP responded to a theft in progress at the Jumping Pound Petro Canada on Hwy 1 and Hwy 22 at around 12:15 p.m. Saturday.

Witnesses told RCMP that they saw a man take six to eight tailgates from vehicles parked on the access gravel road near busy gas station.

They said the man then left in a rust orange Chevrolet Avalanche truck driving towards Calgary on Hwy 1.

RCMP said there have been a number of complaints of tailgate thefts on that access road in the last month.

The area also has a high volume of thefts from vehicles because it's used for day parking.

The suspect is described as a heavy set man in his late 50s, roughly 220 pounds, 5'11" with a goatee and balding. He was wearing a dark sweatshirt and blue jeans at the time and has a big stomach.

The RCMP is reminding drivers to not leave items in their vehicles when left unattended and to lock their tailgates.

If anyone has information about these thefts, they are asked to to call RCMP or Crime Stoppers.