A New Brunswick leather artist has found a new niche market thanks to his now-famous lobster motorcycle -- or "lobster roll."

Timo Richard is based in Grand Barachois, N.B. and normally makes leather belts and seats. But last summer, he was commissioned by a Shediac lobster store owner to customize his motorcycle to look like the crustacean.

READ MORE: $6,000 catch: 'Lobster Roll' motorcycle cruises through Shediac

In a matter of two weeks, Richard was able to deck out the bike using $2,000 worth of leather and more than 170 hours of work.

"The lobster became famous," Richard said Saturday, as he displayed his snappy creation at the Motorcycle and Powersport Atlantic show in Halifax.

"It was all over the place on the internet so that made its way to a fellow in New York by the name of Ben Sargent who is a chef -- makes lobster rolls -- and he wanted one."

Richard says his new customer "wouldn't take no for an answer" and travelled all the way to New Brunswick to outfit his 1986 Honda CT110.

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Last Tuesday, the proud owner of the new lobster motorcycle braved the winter weather and rode off from Grand Barachois en route to New York.

Richard says the chef has plans to take the lobster motorcycle to South America and beyond -- possibly bringing more attention to Richard's newfound skill.

"Maybe this is the start of something really 'crustaceous' for me. I'm not sure what's going to happen with it," he said.

"Who knows? I may not have time for belts and wallets any more and I may have to make a living building giant leather lobsters."

The artist has already been commissioned to create a piece of wall art for a local business -- in the shape of, what else -- a lobster.