We finally have an answer to the age-old question: Do Montreal Canadiens fans hate Zdeno Chara more than they hate fast food hamburgers?

As the captain of the Boston Bruins, Chara obviously is villainized in Montreal. His controversial hit on Max Pacioretty during a 2011 game only magnified the hate, as the big defenseman is public enemy No. 1 at Bell Centre.

So, credit to McDonald's for finding a way to use Chara in a recent advertising campaign designed to test the lengths Canadiens fans would go to get a Big Mac. Apparently, a Big Mac is worth so much that Habs fans would hug Chara in exchange for the burger.

Real or fake, it's a pretty clever concept nonetheless.

Of course, not all Canadiens fans would be eager to let bygones be bygones for just a burger.

It's not the first time McDonald's marketing department has leaned on the Bruins-Canadiens rivalry. Last season, it was Pacioretty on the streets of Boston "tricking" unsuspecting B's fans into eating his own signature burger.

H/t to Dave Stubbs