Premier Stephen McNeil's approval rating has dropped to an all-time low since he was elected in 2013, according to a new Angus Reid survey.

The quarterly survey pegs McNeil's approval ratings at 36 per cent, down from 46 per cent in December. Its also down 30 points from his peak approval rating of 66 per cent.

The Angus Reid institute connects the drop in job performance approval to the new seniors' pharmacare program and the privacy commissioner's investigation into his former chief of staff Kirby McVicar.

Before the latest survey results, McNeil's lowest approval rating was in June 2015, just months after the government axed the film tax credit.

The above graph from the Angus Reid Institute tracks Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil's approval ratings since he took office in 2013.

The above graph from the Angus Reid Institute tracks Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil's approval ratings since he took office in 2013.