TORONTO – An elaborate marriage proposal at Toronto's Ripley's Aquarium became all the more memorable thanks to an epic aquatic photobomb.

Reddit user McYay visited the aquarium's Ray Bay exhibit on Monday with her boyfriend, unaware she was wading straight into an elaborate proposal plot.

"The host asked for two volunteers to play a game and they picked us to go up," she wrote on Reddit. "We get picked, the game is for him to try describing a stingray and me try to guess what type.

"The hosts asks me for my answer and I blurt out the name of the only stingray from the show I can remember. Host lady says I can turn around and see for myself and tadaaaa."

Not only did one attention-hungry ray block the "Will you marry me" sign, it seemed to attract some friends , who collectively interfered with every photo attempt.

"[I spent] the next 10 minutes crying and laughing at the same time," she said.

And she did say yes, even if she couldn't read the sign