There's no time for grammar when you're trying to land a sick burn, at least not according to one very passionate Alabama football fan.
As the Crimson Tide ready for the national championship game with Clemson, fans are already getting hyped. That includes one truck-driving diehard who's got no problem showing the world who roots for, who he roots again and how much he struggles with one of the most commonly erred grammar rules.
This photo, from a Clemson fan it seems, has been making the Internet rounds Thursday.
Classic stuff. Where do you even begin? We'll start with the obvious. It's "You're" not "Your." That's a mistake, although maybe he ran out of space? Also have to love the "BE4BAMA" vanity plate. The stickers, too. Don't miss the stickers. It looks like we've got just about every branch of the military covered on the window, and don't think we don't see that Dale Earnhardt Jr. sticker, either.
We're a little disappointed not to see "Roll Tide" anywhere, though.
H/t to The Big Lead
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