J.J. Watt wants you to know football is one of the top priorities in life. He also wants you to know he's just one of the guys.

Those two aspects of life intersected Tuesday night, leaving Watt in a bit of a predicament.

The Houston Texans defensive end is one of, maybe the best football players on the planet. He's fantastic. But he's also, if we're being frank here, a bit of a try-hard. And that might be an understatement.

A perfect example of that came Tuesday night with the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show dominating the Twitterverse. Watt, clearly wanting to inject himself into the conversation, fired off this tweet earlier in the day Tuesday.

Talk about laying it on thick. Obsessed with football and winning? Check. Just a regular guy interested in watching women walk around in their underwear? Check. Loves his grandma above all else? Check.

Watt then doubled down during the actual fashion show, though. Late Tuesday night, he tweeted this photo without caption of a two-TV setup in the living room with the fashion show on one TV, and on the other (larger) TV, he had New England Patriots game film as he wanted to be sure he wasn't sacrificing game prep to watch the fashion show.

Again, there's no denying Watt's dominance. He's well on his way to winning another defensive MVP award, and one of the NFL's most respected football minds, Bill Belichick, is basically obsessed with him. But isn't the image of Watt taking, like 16 different pictures trying to perfectly capture the game film, a Victoria's Secret model and the fire at the same time hilarious?

Thumbnail photo via Troy Taormina/USA TODAY Sports Images