A hedgehog who tipped the scales at nearly three times the weight of the average wild hedgehog is going on a diet.

Jabba arrived at the Oak and Furrows wildlife rescue centre, near Swindon in England, weighing over 1.8kg.

His previous owner had been overfeeding him and he had little hope of surviving in the wild - he was so fat he could not curl up into the protective ball if predators approached.

The obese hedgehog was an instant hit with staff at the rescue centre and has been named Hogzilla and Mr Piggywinkle, but Star Wars fan and animal carer Darren Squires' name of Jabba has stuck.

Jabba has quit his favourite snack of meal worms and is now on a strict regime of liquidised dog food, served in a controlled portion once a day.

It is hoped he will lose over a kilogram to hit his target weight of 650 grams before being released back into the wild.

It was so far so good on Monday when his latest weigh-in showed he's already down to 1.67kg.

Jabba's enjoying the attention and particularly enjoys tickles down his spine - he's already lost so much weight he can now roll into a ball.