Dallas Cowboys head coach Jason Garrett and quarterback Tony RomoWe know what Thanksgiving should really be about. It should be about giving thanks and spending time with family and blah, blah, blah.

Sports fans, though, know that's far from the case. Turkey Day is all about feasting and football.

Football on Thanksgiving has been an NFL tradition for decades, and this season will be no different. The Detroit Lions and Dallas Cowboys will continue their traditions of hosting games, and the NFL's latest tradition -- the Thursday night primetime game -- will feature the Green Bay Packers retiring Brett Favre's number.

There's sure to be many memorable moments, as the combination of a short week and the national stage have provided plenty of drama over the years. (Unfortunately, it's also provided Pittbull, which wasn't as great.) Here are some of the best moments from the NFL on Thanksgiving.

Click to see the top NFL Thanksgiving moments >>

Thumbnail photo via Matthew Emmons/USA TODAY Sports Images