The U.S. Justice Department is allowing Alamance County Sheriff Terry Johnson to receive federal funds after a court dismissed allegations that he ordered deputies to violate the civil rights of Hispanic residents.
The North Carolina Governor's Crime Commission Executive Director David Huffman said Thursday that he received notice this week that the Alamance County Sheriff Office, could again seek the federal funds.
Huffman says the ACSO had been blocked from applying for a piece of about $5 million divided among North Carolina law enforcement agencies since a federal civil rights lawsuit was filed in 2012.
As previously reported, a federal judge in August dismissed the government's case alleging Alamance deputies targeted Latinos for traffic stops. The judge ruled the U.S. Department of Justice failed to demonstrate a pattern of unconstitutional law enforcement. The decision is being appealed by the government.
Stick with Elon Local News for continued coverage on the Terry Johnson case.
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