Sparkle Cat Rescue was founded in November in 2014 with the goal to help the "forgotten felines" through fostering and adoption.

Stephanie Grantham, president and co-founder of the organization, said that since starting the non-profit organization less than a year ago, they have saved approximately 130 cats.

"There were a lot of people in our community actually that pushed us to do a rescue," said Grantham. "We started small with only about eight cats and then we quickly realized that there were more cats in need out there.

One of the cats that was found in the woods is one year old Sprinkles. Sprinkles is currently being fostered by Elon senior Courtney Benjamin.

"I wanted a furry little friend to come home to after class," Benjamin said.

Benjamin hopes to find Sprinkles a permanent home before she graduates this upcoming May.

Other cats helped by Sparkle Cat Rescue include Glitter who was found at nine weeks old missing three toes and with a broken leg. Sparkle Cat Rescue provided her with surgery to fix her broken leg and today she is able to walk without a limp.

Another cat, Angelo, was found missing an eye and had to have surgery to remove the debris and and to sew the eye.

"This is why we exist, Grantham said. "Other rescues could not help."

Grantham hopes that Elon students would be willing to help by fostering or even adopting a cat.

It is completely free to foster a cat. The food, litter, and toys are all included.All you need to do is provide them with a stable environment.

"We want to provide foster homes where they are going to get the socialization they need," Grantham said.

If you aren't able to adopt or foster right now, Grantham encourages students to spread the word about Sparkle Cat Rescue.

If you want more information or are interested in adopting or fostering a cat, go to