At least one Indianapolis Colts fan is getting very desperate.

The Colts have their highly anticipated showdown with the New England Patriots on Sunday. And even though the game's in Indy, Colts fans have plenty of reason to worry. They've been on the wrong side of some shellackings the last handful of times their team's faced the Patriots.

Most recently, of course, being the Patriots' 45-7 win in the AFC Championship Game back in January.

So, a Colts fan going by the name "Eb" decided to fire off an email to a member of the local media. Not just any media member, either. Eb dropped Bob Kravitz -- the godfather of Deflategate -- a line, basically begging him to write a story to inspire the Colts.

"Before Sunday's game, put your thoughts and ideas together and come out with an article that will motivate the Colts to play hard football for 60 minutes to beat these guys from New England, "Eb wrote. "Every time the Colts play New England, they freeze up and fall apart. It's like the bully in school. He keeps pushing you around because he knows you don't have enough backbone to stand up and he can humiliate you. I think an outsider needs to say something that will get the Colts' players attention to motivate them for 60 minutes. "

Kravitz centered his recent column around the reader email, and Patriots fans might take pleasure in the fact that the Indianapolis reporter admitted there's not a whole lot he can do to inspire the professional football players. That's on them, he writes. Kravitz did say, however, he wouldn't necessarily mind -- given the apparent abuse he's taken from Patriots fans in the wake of the initial report that sparked Deflategate -- to see the Patriots (or better yet, their fans) be shocked by the Colts on Sunday night.

"That said, I would love nothing more than to watch the Colts shock the world (and me) and knock off the Patriots, simply to make life a little more miserable for the insufferable louts who populate New England's media and social space," he wrote.

Eesh. Poor guy.

Click to read Kravitz's full column >>

Thumbnail photo via Brian Spurlock/USA TODAY Sports Images