Sometimes, the Internet just makes great content, which is exactly what the good folks at College Humor recently did.

The site recently released a fantastic spoof of ESPN's "30 for 30" documentary series. The mockumentary tells the story of the 1994 California Angels, better known as the team from the 90s movie "Angels in the Outfield."

The video's extremely well done, featuring both fictional and real analysts, the latter including ESPN's Tim Kurkjian and Doug Glannville. One of the best parts of the video is when Kurkjian compares Mel Clark's 1994 season to the likes of other fictional pitchers like Ricky Vaughn (from "Major League") and Henry Rowengartner ("Rookie Of The Year") -- oh, and Pedro Martinez, too.

Also featured is actor Neal McDonough who played Angels pitcher Whitt Bass. Of course, his role in the mockumentary is very much in character.

Oh, and if you say you remember Matthew McConaughey being in that movie, then you are a liar.

See the video below.