A woman was arrested early Friday morning after stealing a Vancouver Police car.

The officer was at a call about a fight on Columbia Street and East Hastings Street at 1:30 a.m. Officers turned on their lights and siren, causing the aggressor to run away. They parked their car in the south lane of the 100 block of East Hastings street and ran after the man, ultimately arresting him around the corner, in the 100 block of East Hastings Street.

When the officers returned a few minutes later, they found out that a woman had bypassed the police car's immobilizer and stolen the car.

She drove down East Hastings Street to Willingdon Avenue in Burnaby, where she lost control.

The woman crashed the car into a Dollar Giant store. She took off running, but was arrested after a short foot chase. She was not injured in the crash.

She is now facing charges of theft over $5,000 and possession of stolen property.

The man involved in the initial fight has been arrested on a Canada-wide warrant for break-and-enter.

Burnaby RCMP are investigating the collision at East Hastings Street and Willingdon Avenue. Vancouver Police will be investigating the theft of the police vehicle.

Photos by Ryan Stelting: