Summary: After being elected in a 2014 byelection, Saskatchewan Party MP Colleen Young seeks her first full term in Lloydminster.

Boundaries: The riding includes all of the Saskatchewan portion of Lloydminster, stretches south to Marshall, and north to Meadow Lake Provincial Park. To the east, the riding includes the town of Paradise Hill.

Last Election: Young defeated NDP candidate Wayne Byers by over 900 votes in a 2014 byelection to replace Tim McMillan, who resigned as MLA to become President of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers.

History: The riding surrounding Lloydminster had elected a candidate from the party forming government in every election from 1975 to 1995, but has exclusively elected Saskatchewan Party candidates since 1999.


Saskatchewan Party: Colleen Young, MP since 2014

NDP: Michelle Oleksyn, a teacher at Lloydminster Comprehensive High School

Liberal: Dolores Pahtayken, former Onion Lake Cree Nation councillor

Green: Lisa Grant