Summary: Yorkton is a mixed urban-rural riding surrounding the city of Yorkton. Saskatchewan Party MLA Greg Ottenbreit seeks re-election in Yorkton.  

Boundaries: The boundaries of this riding surround the city of Yorkton, from Yorkton airport near Young Siding Road in the north to a narrow strip south on Grid Road in the South, then west from Government Road to east of Highway 10.

Last Election: Saskatchewan Party Incumbent Greg Ottenbreit defeated NDP candidate Chad Blenkin by 3,514 votes, 72 per cent to 26 per cent.

History: This riding has historically voted for the governing party for the majority of the elections. It has only selected an opposition candidate twice, once in 1938 and 1960. Yorkton, which is located in the riding, became a city on Feb. 1, 1928.  Ottenbreit has held his seat since 2007. Before then, NDP's Clay Serby was MLA from 1991-2007.


Saskatchewan PartyGreg Ottenbreit, Minister of Rural and Remote Health. He has also served as Legislative Secretary to Minister of Social Services, chairman of the caucus' standing policy committee on human services and the chairman of the legislature's Standing Committee on Human Services.

NDP: Greg Olson, technical analyst at SaskTel and Unifor treasurer. He is also representing Unifor on the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour.

Liberal: Aaron C. Sinclair, member of the Sakimay First Nation, non-profit volunteer for organizations like the Aboriginal Front Door Society in Vancouver's Downtown East-side.

Green: Chad Gregoire