A cafe in Fredericton hosted New Brunswick Green Party Leader David Coon's most recent conversation about his proposed Green Jobs Bill on Saturday.

While the discussion was mostly centred around the bill, many in attendance brought their own ideas along.

"I think it's fantastic and I think that's heading in the right direction," said Graycen Johnson. "But I also think that we're probably not going to invent ourselves out of the serious problems of climate change."

"I think we need to seriously reconsider how we live our lives."

Another attendee offered up ideas on how to save consumers money and boost the economy as well.

"The goal of Passive House is to reduce energy consumption by 80-90 per cent." Said Garth Hood.

"We import windows and ventilation systems from Europe...they don't build windows in North America yet to the standard needed for the super insulated Passive House buildings but we make windows so there's no reason we couldn't build those here for our people first, but then there's a huge market in Boston and New York City."

Coon previously made stops in Bathurst and Saint John before this event. The conversations wrap up in Moncton on Monday.