Angela Ramey won a half year of free tuition for her daughter, Grace, with an incredibly innovative half-court shot.

Nine-year-old Grace earned a shot at the tuition discount after she raised the most money at Bethany Academy in Bloomington, Minn., for Kids Against Hunger. Grace or her mother still had to sink a half-court shot earlier this month, though, and it didn't look good after they missed their first two attempts.

But that all changed when Angela threw up an underhanded prayer that bounced once on the court and into the net. You can check out the incredible shot in the video below.

"I played basketball for Grace Lutheran in fifth and sixth grades but beyond that, I'm not sports inclined," Angela told KARE 11. "I looked at the ball. I looked at the ground. I dribbled once. I closed my eyes and I said a quick prayer."

And that prayer was answered. It doesn't get much better than that.