We can debate all we want about which fantasy football app is the best, but there is no denying that Yahoo! Sports takes the cake for funniest updates.

With just about every downloadable update, the Yahoo! fantasy football app will drop in some sort of joke. Just last month, as part of a new set of updates, the folks at Yahoo! took a swipe at Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III.

"RGIII no longer supported. Please upgrade to RG4," the final update read.

The most recent update to the fantasy football app includes a little dig at the New England Patriots in wake of Tuesday's ESPN report revisiting Spygate.

"Other bugs stomped to pieces inside a Gillette Stadium conference room," the update reads.

Yahoo Fantasy Update

That's an obvious nod at this bit from the mind-numbingly long ESPN report which tied the NFL's punishment of the Patriots for Spygate to the most recent punishments for Deflategate.

"Yet almost as quickly as the tapes and notes were found, they were destroyed, on Goodell's orders: League executives stomped the tapes into pieces and shredded the papers inside a Gillette Stadium conference room."

Well played, Yahoo. Well played.

H/t to Twitter/@ChrisColeWSU12