The Deflategate fallout could signal a change in Roger Goodell's workload.

The Washington Post reported Friday that NFL owners will discuss potential changes in the NFL commissioner's disciplinary role. This comes one day after Federal District Judge Richard Berman ruled against Goodell and the NFL by lifting New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady's four-game suspension.

Goodell has taken a lot of heat for his role in the entire process, which reportedly has owners wondering whether his responsibilities in similar situations moving forward must be changed.

"There will certainly be discussion about that," an unnamed NFL owner told the newspaper, although the owner also indicated he's "not sure where it will lead."

The NFL Players Association obviously would like to see the process changed. Goodell served as the arbitrator in the Brady appeal, but the NFLPA would rather see an independent arbitrator. A person "familiar with the league's inner workings" told the Post that it's unclear at this point whther there would be enough support among NFL owners to change the process.

After this seven-month Deflategate debacle, it wouldn't be surprising if there's growing support to cut some of Goodell's power.