As of 11 p.m. Tuesday Sept. 29, House Bill 318 has been ratified by the N.C. General Assembly and is to be presented to Governor Pat McCrory on Wednesday morning.
Short titled, Protect North Carolina Workers Act, the bill aims to make stricter rules for employers that are verifying whether or not their employees can legally work in North Carolina and also includes a section that tightens rules regarding the forms of identification that government and law enforcement officers can accept.
That second part is an issue that concerns local law enforcement in Alamance County, who have recently began issuing and accepting alternative ID cards in the area. This bill, if it becomes law, would make accepting those IDs illegal. More.
The bill, passed the third reading in the Senate on Monday Sept. 28 after four amendments were added. The bill then returned to the House for another vote. The House accepted the amendments and the bill was signed by both the house and the senate.
McCrory is set to receive the bill on Wednesday. He can either veto it, sending it back to the General Assembly or it can be signed into law.
Elon Local News will have more on this story as it develops.
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